About Us
the origin story of cosmic cannabis
The year was 2016 when Moonshine, Doja Dog, and I were thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, trekking from the border of Mexico to Canada — a 2,600-mile journey on foot. We resupplied in Hood River, OR with about 500 miles left to hike and the wear of a couple thousand miles on our bones.
After a haircut and packing as many calories as we could into our bear vaults, we hit up a dispensary on the way out of town. The budtender recommended Stephen Hawking Kush, a 3:1 CBD to THC ratio, perfect for our worn-out thru-hiker bodies.
The hike out of Hood River took us out of the Columbia River Gorge and into the heights of the Cascades. That night we cowboy-camped in a spot above the world with our sleeping pads tucked together on the piece of Tyvek we called home, and I lit that kush up.
How to describe the feeling of suddenly not feeling like a wood-chipper ground you up and spit you out? It was as if I had smoked Tylenol. For the first time in months I felt no pain. I laid on my back underneath the expanse and let it all wash over me~
the sky was intense overhead, the Milky Way some distant all-seeing eye and the stars gleaming and shooting over the Cascade Mountains. There was a feeling on that mountainside of a oneness with the earth and the stars and every soul out there. I had smoked some cosmic cannabis.
And now, it’s what we at Burlington Kush Factory bring to the Vermont cannabis market: cannabis grown under the galaxies; cannabis that has weathered winds & storms and the big climate moods that the turn of more than one season deliver. Cannabis that captures the essence of the universe through its lived experience, offering a sense of wonder, an out-of-body journey, or the ability to explore within. It’s cosmic cannabis.